r rebecca harper 20th December 2013

Lou…you impacted so many more lives than you know of. You inspired, encouraged and pushed water polo athletes to perform at the best of their abilities. The opportunities you gave to student athletes at SJSU continue to effect their lives. Without you…. I would not have adventured off to San Jose. Without you…I would not have made my lifetime friends. Without you…I would not have met my husband and had three wonderful children. Without you … I would have never learned what it meant to push myself physically and mentally. Thank you Lou. I would not be who I am today without you. Thank you Suzie, Thank you for sharing so much of him with so many people. I admire you, your strength and compassion for others. My heart is saddened by your loss and I want to give you a big hug. Every time I heard Lou talk about you, I was filled with Joy. I friendship and bond you had with each other is one that we all strive for.The life stories Lou told were awesome, but the stories I liked the most were the ones he told about you…. Thank you so much for all the love a dedication you have given. I loved to see you on the pool deck… sneaking in after the game started and leaving before it ended. Without you, Lou would not have been able to handle so many emotional girls over the years. Thank you so much...You too have impacted so many lives. Beckie Harper Class of 2001